ࡱ> QSP] =bjbj99 HS0\S0\=dd 4G0@@@@@///////$324x/Y^/@@0:@@//-| :  Name: _______________________ Period: ______________________ Theatre 3-4 Fall Semester Final Review Be familiar with the following vocabulary and concepts for your semester exam. The test will be formatted in multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short writing, and matching questions. 1.) Stage Directions Are given from the ___________s point of view. Draw a diagram of the stage and label the stage directions. 2.) Define the following audition vocabulary: Audition: Cold Reading: Monologue: Improvisation: Call back: 3.) Audition etiquette List the rules of audition etiquette as discussed in class. 4.) Define general acting vocabulary Blocking: Cheat out: Open: Projection: Articulation: Cross: Off book: 5.) Define character vocabulary Objective: Obstacles: Tactics: 6.) What is your characters objective in your final scene? 7.) Give the guidelines for improvisation in an MRHS Theatre class. 8.) List and define the elements of dramatic structure in a play. (Exposition, etc.) 9.) Who was Michael Shurtleff? How many audition guideposts did he create? List at least 6 of them below! 10.) What is a moment before?  11.) List the 3 steps to critiquing a performer. 12.) List three types of non-verbal communication. 13.) To what Italian art form is pantomime closely related? 14.) What are three methods you can use to memorize a script? 15.) Identify the following commedia characters. Pantaloon: Harlequin: Columbina: Soldier: Pulchinello: 16.) List three things you should consider about an object when attempting to pantomime it. 17.) What is existentialism? 18) Who wrote Waiting for Godot? 19.) Is Waiting for Godot an existentialist play? Why or why not?  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